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Member Communications: Keeping You Connected

AESA offers four distinct electronic publications as well as our Federal Updates blog designed to keep members informed, engaged, and connected. These communications provide valuable updates, insights, and resources tailored specifically for educational service agencies (ESAs).


This weekly digital newsletter is delivered directly to members’ inboxes. It provides timely updates about AESA’s events, federal advocacy efforts, and highlights of innovative work by our members and business partners.


AESA’s dedicated platform for research and best practices, this publication features articles that explore innovative practices, public-private partnerships, and research relevant to ESAs. Perspectives Journal serves as a space for sharing thought leadership and ideas that advance the work of ESAs nationwide.



Each month, this comprehensive report is provided to keep members informed about the latest state-level education policies and trends. It includes legislative updates, funding news, and curated articles from across all 50 states. It also offers actionable advocacy tips, empowering members to become informed and effective advocates for education within their states.


Published bi-monthly, this newsletter connects members with a wide range of learning opportunities available through AESA, fellow ESAs, and our business partners.

Getting Better Together: Innovations for Rural Learners and Communities

February 3, 2019

Citation:  Harmon, H. L., & Butler, T. A. (2019).  Getting better together: Innovations for rural learners and communities.  Perspectives: A Journal of Research and Practice of Educational Service Agencies, Volume 25(1). By Hobart L. Harmon Thomas A. Butler Is your Educational Service Agency (ESA) getting better at meeting the needs of school districts? Are educated learners…

Innovative College and Career Readiness in Appalachia

November 4, 2018

By Dr. Rebecca Roach, Associate Director, Kentucky Educational Development Corporation D.J. was a new student, and like many students attending a new high school, he was not doing well.  Although he demonstrated academic potential, he showed little interest in school and even less interest in college.  Then Lana Sowders, the Youth Career Connect (YCC) Career…

A Historic Look: Creating Pathways to Becoming an Antiracist Multicultural Organization (Part II)

September 26, 2018

Part 2 of a 2-part series By Melia LaCour Executive Director, Equity in Education, Puget Sound Educational Service District   Over a decade ago, the Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD) launched a monumental mission to become an Antiracist Multicultural Organization (ARMCO). The early stages of this prolific journey, as captured in Part One of…

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