Member Communications: Keeping You Connected
AESA offers four distinct electronic publications as well as our Federal Updates blog designed to keep members informed, engaged, and connected. These communications provide valuable updates, insights, and resources tailored specifically for educational service agencies (ESAs). |
Reform Processes that Consider the Local, Rural Context
By Thomas A. Butler, Ph.D., Executive Director, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8, Altoona, PA Editor’s Note: This Perspectives article is part of a series. Please also read the related research article Getting Better Together: Innovations for Rural Learners and Communities Design Thinking and Improvement Science: Iterative Processes that Solve Problems Considering the Local Context Over the course of…
Moving Beyond NCLB: Creating Education Imagineers
By Thomas A. Butler, Ph.D., Executive Director, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8, Altoona, PA Editor’s Note: This Perspectives article is part of a series. Please also read the related research article Getting Better Together: Innovations for Rural Learners and Communities Education Imagineers view education through a lens of possibility. Let’s be charitable and say that No Child Left…
Finding Innovations in Rural School Districts; 3 “Es” the ESA Can Do
Editor’s Note: This Perspectives article is part of a series dedicated to rural schools. Please also read the related research article Getting Better Together: Innovations for Rural Learners and Communities, By Thomas A. Butler, Ph.D., Executive Director, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8, Altoona, PA “If it wasn’t for the Intermediate Unit, our school district would not be able…
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