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Member Communications: Keeping You Connected

AESA offers four distinct electronic publications as well as our Federal Updates blog designed to keep members informed, engaged, and connected. These communications provide valuable updates, insights, and resources tailored specifically for educational service agencies (ESAs).


This weekly digital newsletter is delivered directly to members’ inboxes. It provides timely updates about AESA’s events, federal advocacy efforts, and highlights of innovative work by our members and business partners.


AESA’s dedicated platform for research and best practices, this publication features articles that explore innovative practices, public-private partnerships, and research relevant to ESAs. Perspectives Journal serves as a space for sharing thought leadership and ideas that advance the work of ESAs nationwide.



Each month, this comprehensive report is provided to keep members informed about the latest state-level education policies and trends. It includes legislative updates, funding news, and curated articles from across all 50 states. It also offers actionable advocacy tips, empowering members to become informed and effective advocates for education within their states.


Published bi-monthly, this newsletter connects members with a wide range of learning opportunities available through AESA, fellow ESAs, and our business partners.

Developing School Building Administrators to Lead the Next Generation

December 13, 2019

A Partnership between Pittsburg State University and Greenbush Education Service Center By Dawn R. Martin, Pittsburg State University In this edition of Perspectives, the author Dawn Martin examines the “pipeline” for future education leaders via a research project involving a University-ESA partnership. Kansas, along with the rest of the United States, is experiencing increasing turnover in…

AI and the ESA: Continuing a Conversation

November 6, 2019

This is Part II of a two-part series about AI and the ESA By Thomas Collins and Susan Leddick “AI will be economically significant precisely because it will make something important much cheaper. What will AI technologies make so cheap? Prediction.” “Organizations can exploit prediction machines by adopting AI tools to assist with executing current…

AI and the ESA: Opening a Conversation

October 7, 2019

by Thomas Collins and Susan Leddick “The world now stands on the cusp of a technological revolution in artificial intelligence and robotics that may prove as transformative for economic growth and human potential as were electrification, mass production, and electronic telecommunications in their eras.” MIT Work of the Future (David Autor, 2019) “Executives need to put…

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