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Outstanding Individual Achievement Award

The Outstanding Individual Achievement Award recognizes exceptional individual contributions to advancing regional educational programs at the regional, state, or national levels. This award honors those whose leadership and accomplishments have significantly impacted educational service agencies (ESAs) and their communities. Nominees may include board members, state or federal legislators, local, state, or national educators, and professional association staff.

Criteria for the Award
  • Advancement of the goals and philosophies of educational service agencies.
  • Outstanding accomplishments and innovative practices.
  • Demonstrated leadership within the ESA community.
  • Dedicated service to the educational service agency community.

This award is named in honor of Dr. Walter G. Turner, who chaired the original committee responsible for developing AESA. He played a pivotal role in establishing the vision, mission, and bylaws of the organization and served as AESA's first Executive Director. Dr. Turner's leadership and vision continue to inspire and guide the work of ESAs nationwide.

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