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Whether you are interested in a business partnership or in becoming a sponsor, or if your organization wants to become an exhibitor in the Annual Conference, AESA offers:

  1. National reach
  2. A respected reputation
  3. Connection to ESAs and the school districts they serve.
First, what is an ESA?

In short, education service agencies (ESA) significantly contribute to educating our nation's students in grades Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 and beyond!

An ESA provides services such as staffing, professional development, and other resources that public and private schools need to deliver a quality education within the Pre-K through grade 12 educational systems within their region. Some ESAs collaborate at the college level. They all work with professionals in all areas of education to provide high quality connections and quality services for the educational institutions they serve.

Needless to say, ESAs have the pulse on education!

Look to AESA for national reach, that gets down to the local level!

AESA is the only national professional organization for ESAs and serves all the staff members of its member-ESAs. We are the Association of Educational Service Agencies.

We are a hub for our members.  AESA provides professional development, federal legislative advocacy, and professional networks that connect ESAs to each other and to the businesses that can support their work.

AESA reaches:

Over 470 organizations
of all ESAs nationwide.

11,700 (79%) of the public school districts;

22,710 (83%) of the private schools;

2,160,955 (79%) certified teachers and;

2,018,888 (80%) non-certified school employees, and;

40,732,954 (80%) public and private school students.

This means that the ESAs know and work regularly with their local educational agencies (LEAs). They are a central touch point to a broad group of LEAs.

Learn more about becoming an AESA Business Partner, event sponsor, or exhibitor.
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