March 14, 2025
Written by Tara Thomas, AESA Government Affairs Manager
After weeks of uncertainty about a potential government shutdown, Congress has approved a year-long continuing resolution (CR). This completes Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 appropriations and provides level-funding for most of the key K-12 formula programs, including IDEA, Title I, Title IV-A and REAP.
In an unprecedented move, Congress did not include what is known as an “explanatory statement” – which provides detailed explanations of specific funding levels and priorities that Congress intends. This means that the Administration will have more discretion in allocating funds for the programs that did not receive a specific funding level. Unfortunately, Title II falls under this category – so hypothetically the Administration can provide less than the FY24 funding levels. AESA will work to ensure the Administration understands the importance of this program and the need for school districts to have certainty as they are currently in the budget process school year 2025-26.
Please note that (as referenced before) IDEA, Title I, Title IV-A and REAP all did receive specified funding levels and the Administration does not have discretion to allocate differently.
Funding for grant programs designed to build and strengthen the teacher pipeline—such as the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP), Teacher and School Leader Incentive (TSL), and Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED)—remains uncertain. Considering the Administration’s recent decision to cancel existing grants, it is reasonable to expect that these programs will not receive funding for the remainder of FY25.
With FY25 complete, Congress will now turn their attention to FY26 and the President’s budget proposal is expected to be released in May. The AESA Advocacy Team looks forward to working with Congress to ensure robust federal investment in education that school districts can rely on.